Monday 19 May 2014

Hens and hoola hoops

What a glorious weekend we had on Dartmoor! Belstone seemed to be a magnet for every sort of activitity over the wonderfully warm couple of days. Walkers with huge rucksacks, presumably inspired by the Ten Tors event, cyclists dressed from head to toe in brightly coloured Lycra, hordes of walkers with assorted dogs and various riders on animals ranging from the small hairy type to very fit looking warmbloods. There was a definite air of jollity and friendliness emanating from everyone, it's quite amazing the effect that warmth and sunshine can have on people when it coincides with their two days off work!
But without doubt, the most unusual activity taking place on the moor here in Belstone was being enjoyed by the lovely group of ladies celebrating a Hen Party. All of them were stood in a circle on the green above the Taw River twirling hula hoops for all they were worth :-) My 20 month old grandson was enchanted and promptly gate crashed the party to join in!
It just goes to show you don't need to be super fit, equipped to the hilt with outdoor gear or expensive hiking boots, well versed in navigation skills or carrying laminated maps in order to come out and have fun on the moors. A simple hoola hoop and a group of like minded friends was all it took for these ladies to have a wonderful time excercising amongst the glorious scenery that we have here on Dartmoor.

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